Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creating new habits

Congrats to everyone who was a part of the Disney Princess Half, you all are amazing!  The worst part about training for something like that is that you have to do it by yourself, every single step.  The best part is, when you cross the finish line, it means so incredibly much for that exact same reason!

So now that it's over, what now?  I understand we all lead incredibly busy lives, but taking care of ourselves is one of the most important things we can do.  Living a healthy lifestyle and yes, exercising, is a key component of taking care of yourself.  The hardest part about making changes like this is the beginning, establishing a new routine.  It seems impossible when you're first starting, but then you adapt and it becomes the new normal.  You've already gotten through that initial change when you started training for the Princess Half.  Now I'm encouraging you to stick with this new routine.

It doesn't matter if you fell in love with running or never want to run another step, I encourage you to find something active that you can do on a regular basis.  It might be running or walking, hitting the gym, riding a bike, dancing, yoga, but pick something and stick with it!  See if you can find a new goal or target to give yourself something to aim for if that will help keep you motivated.  You owe it to yourself, and right now it's just a matter of keeping the existing momentum!

It's been a pleasure coaching you all, and as the proud uncle of a Rett girl, thank you for helping support this amazing cause!

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